I made the Creator Editor in an effort to help me quickly change the creator code on any application, document, or whatever. I'm not going to bother with copyright, I made this program for myself only, if you have any other uses for it or want to distort it into something unseen by human eyes before, go ahead. However, credit is due to Jeff Iverson, who created the XCMD and XFCN vital for this program.
I'd say to make it into a standalone, give it the icons in the resedit resource and (if you have System 7) put it into the Apple Menu Items folder.
If you want to make this into a shareware or commercial product, check with Mr. Iverson at:
Jeffery Donald Iverson or Compuspend... uh, serve: 76675,1772
3841 Whispering Way Drive SE #101 AppleLink: ALL.AMERICAN